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                                              “Tell me and I forget, teach me and
            I may remember, involve me and  I learn…”
Benjamin Franklin

Teachers teach today’s students, the tomorrow adult generation. Thus, the high-quality education is certainly directed to the future. How should one organize the educational process to train one’s students for using the foreign language in real life situations and in the educational process for better understanding of the social and cultural aspects of the country which language they are learning?

The main purpose of foreign language teaching is to form and develop the students’ communicative culture, to teach them practical mastering a foreign language.  The main tasks of the teacher are to create conditions for practical language mastering by every student and to choose those teaching methods which let every student actively participate in communication. 

Nowadays it is necessary to create the student communicative competence which is stipulated not only  by the up-today education  but by the adequate teaching methods and technologies. The interactive teaching methods are considered to be the most effective ways to the communicative approach in foreign language learning. The system use of the interactive teaching methods is very important for the up-today education and it is also  the  fundamental component   in formation of a competent personality of a student as a democratic society citizen.

That's why I have studied the theme of "Formation of the student communicative competence by means of interactive technologies at English lessons". Surely, the interactive teaching methods allow using a maximum of receptors and make the educational process not only useful, but also joyful for students.
The choice of the theme is determined as follows:
- needs of up-today life for students’ successful communicative skills in foreign languages;
- fast updating of technologies in all spheres of life;
- dissemination of international socio-cultural relations.

The essence of the experience shall be as follows: – the experience allows me to evaluate the potential of interactive learning technology  in the view  of its adequacy to the task of developing the students’ communicative competence.
Object of the experience shall be formation of the students’ communicative competence.
Subject of the experience shall be interactive English learning technologies.

Problem research methods are as follows:  the method of observation, comparison, analysis and introspection, synthesis of experience on the problem research and the experience presentation.

Activity technology:
• application of innovative teaching methods and their introduction to the educational process;
• organization of individual, pair, group and collective work;
• creation of problematic situations, introduction of novelty aspects, surprises;
• use of various methods and techniques, tuning students to the workflow and discipline necessary to work with the class;
use of the game like methods, non-standard forms of teaching and educational process;
• use of individual control cards and self-rating cards.

Tasks of experience are as follows:

1. To unveil potentialities of the interactive methods in forming of students’ communicative competence while teaching English;
2. To substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the interactive methods as a component of a competent personality formation.

While working on the problem, I was guided by the following ideas: students should be all-round developed, effective language speakers; all activities should be based on analysis and responsibility and, thanks to them, any lesson would be creative, dynamic, rich, inspiring students to achieve new successes; the teacher should be a leader, mentor, creator, team-mate in the educational process.  I based my practical activity on the concept of Y. I. Passov, the well-known theorist of the communicative methodology, who called:
"Remember while acting".

Implementation of the pedagogical idea

Introduction of the interactive technologies enables to integrate speech activity of all types. The students shall master the basics of foreign language communication at such level which let them express their ideas  without being afraid of making mistakes, enrich their knowledge, increase cognitive activity, develop their creativity. The speech-producing mechanism is complicated and the teacher has to differentiate techniques and methods that provide the result of this work. Therefore, I organize learning activity of my students so that it combines a practical and creative nature. 
The lesson is a main form of the educational process. I have personally identified the basic requirements for the modern lesson:
high level of curricular material mastering by students;
• orientation to the practical skills;
• high density of communicative links between participants of the educational process;
• communication based on friendliness and mutual respect;
• development of students’ personal qualities;
arrangement of conditions for self-realization of the child’s skills and needs

I create my lesson in such way that the speech mechanism is following three stages: 
Stage  I - formation of lexical and grammatical skills of oral speaking;
Stage II – improving of lexical and grammatical skills of spoken language;
Stage  III – development of impromptu  speaking skills

Introducing the interactive learning into the practice, I form speech and language skills of my students, and I sort the tasks out so that any student has to master the speech form at first, and later one will learn to express the certain content by using the mastered form. At the beginning I practice the training exercises. The system of training exercises is of great importance, since the start of the speech mechanisms is impossible without well-formed lexical and grammatical speaking skills. Owing to these exercises, the vocabulary and correct grammatical relationships between the words in the situational statements are fixed in the students’ memory.

I use the training exercises at the lessons of new material acquisition:
- selection of drawings for the exercises (Years 1-4);
- compliance determination (Years 5-9);
- search and analysis of new information in the text (Years 10-11) to develop the speaking skills in education.

Training exercises should be situational, while doing them the students perform practical tasks (prove, confirm, express, wonder, ask). Besides, it is reasonably to give the substitution exercises to the students on the basis of the substitution tables, which enable to intensify the use of colloquial clichés in speech, to combine different speech patterns depending on the communicative task.
Speech patterns are practiced with the students’ choir (mechanically), individually (transformation, substitution.
At senior school  the intensity of the learning is done by means of transformational exercises:
- extend the sentence by the sample;
- paraphrase the sentences by using the new words;
- unwrap the certain statements  with compulsory using of  new words;
- make simultaneous interpretation of text.

As practice has shown, the atmosphere of the collective communication, organized on the basis of communicative situations, is very favorable. Thus, we are talking about the use of interactive technologies at English lessons, which are quite frequent and familiar. In class of 10-15 students I may use such types of class work as: working in pairs or in group of three to five students. There is constant, active interaction between the students. It is interesting to note that every student is already involved in the teamwork from the beginning of the lesson. It is very important in this regard to focus students on the area of discussion, to give them an opportunity to listen carefully to each other and simultaneously think about how they would answer these questions themselves. At classes I use the warming up of different types.

1.     Phrase-stimulus. It creates such situations that help students with starting a lesson.
T. Hi! Nice to see you! How are you?
Cl. Fine, thanks and you?
T. I’m not well. I have a terrible headache. I can’t begin the lesson. Would you mind helping me? Who wants to do it?

Students gladly take the role of the teacher upon themselves. They can call students on duty and ask them questions, have a talk with the class, drill thematic vocabulary.
2.     Phrase-discussion.
While studying the topic " The Days of Week."
T. It is Monday today. Do you like Monday, Olha?
Olha: No, I don’t.
T. Why don’t you like Monday?
Olha: I don`t like Monday,  because I must get up very early. I live far from school.

3. A talk about thematic picture with an unwrapped situation.
4.     The life facts of  a specific
            class or student.

Such situational speaking helps to master a certain material, structures and clichés on a particular topic. While in primary school the students’ communication is mostly based on visibility, I offer a  synopsis of the communicative lesson in Year 2 on “Appearance” as  an example of such a lesson, in medium and
especially in senior school, I am gradually removing visual aids and offer my students to discuss the different situation (lesson-discussion) "Generation Gap". 

The use of game situations, role-playing games at class intensifies the emotional perception of the material. During the game students get speaking experience. Thus, such techniques and tips will help students to learn certain vocabulary and grammar on a particular topic. For example, studying the topic "Theatre", "Cinema", the students act out in pairs the following situations: "How to buy a ticket?", "How to invite a friend to the show?" Students learn to share their impressions after watching the movie.
P1: I am so impressed and excited. The film was wonderful and I was in suspense from the beginning to the end. I was impressed by  the play of the actors.
P2: I fully agree with you. The film is unforgettable. I enjoyed every minute. The actors were brilliant.

Fairytale lessons, travel lessons, training lessons and presentation lessons always at the teacher’s hand. 
In Year 8  I conducted the lesson-presentation "Travelling to Different Countries”. At this lesson the children shared their collected information, compared some facts from the history of different countries, cultural values and way of life.  While studying the topic "Professions" children choose professions and talk about them. They like to be in the role of adults and to dream a little about the future. I very successfully use play education at primary school. The children are happy to play, because the game is a world in which they live. While playing they do not notice how they have learned material. The game stimulates the process of cognition and learning, as well as teaches to good work. During the game, children develop concentration skills, independent thinking, train attention and discipline. The introduction of games or game elements in the lesson makes learning more interesting.  The created atmosphere of high emotional rise greatly facilitates the overcoming of difficulties in learning. I use the "Interpreter" game during consolidation of  lexical items or "Hear the odd word and clap your hands", or playing "Word in Word" or "Domino".Начало формы
While studying the topics of "Great Britain" or "Ukraine", the students become guides and they are offered to operate a tour. In this case, I use the interactive method " While studying I’m learning the new information". Students gladly perform the role of the film director and make presentations and video. While preparing for the presentation, students search for the additional information in the Internet. Computer technologies help the teacher in teaching students as well. The work in such direction is quite effective in the foreign language learning. The interactive technology of "Snowball" plays an important role in preparing student for an independent scientific work. I usually use this method in Years 10-11. The students are given a problem, some discussion questions, which are easier to be solved in a small group, are also added. Then I form groups of 2-3 students and give them a task to discuss the problem for 5 minutes. The next step is merging of small groups in one or two large ones.  So the students can gradually analyze the difficult question and gather enough information to solve the problem together. Students,   who are aware of this problem or nominated by the group, always give their answers.


Summing up the work over experience, I consider being important the fact that the mentioned forms of work have already had the following results: a significant increase in the motivation of English language learning, intensification of students’ educational activity, increase of academic achievement levels. The monitoring, conducted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in autumn of 2013, confirmed the language knowledge of students of Year 10, the knowledge level of students of Year 5 even increased. 
Students correctly used grammatical structures while describing the pictures, retelling the text content,   discussing  the thematic material. It is the main thing that students have learned to grade their activity themselves, to see the prospects of further improvement of their English language skills. The  annual winners of regional English contest confirm the effectiveness of these methods. The school graduates successfully passed the EIT and enter the higher educational institutions.

Each teaching methods has certain advantages and disadvantages. On analyzing the scientific methodological literature and my own experience I can note the following: there is no universal English teaching method at the moment, because the efficiency of any method depends on many factors. At the present days all teaching methods are integrated. One could say that the complex method is created. It involves    the best elements of different methods.
Every teacher personally decides which method will be used in teaching on grounds of one’s own experience and students’ progress in  English learning  in order to maximize the effectiveness of the teaching process. Interactive, informational-communicative technologies and  the rate learning  method give the new opportunities for effective interaction between a teacher and a student, improve the teaching quality. Students learn to think critically, to solve complex problems by analyzing situations and relevant information, make decisions, to discuss the problems, to express their opinions reasonably.
The use of the above-mentioned technologies increase the productivity of the lesson, make for organization of project activities of students, their perceptions of a computer as a universal communicative device in the informative space. Such teaching methods develop students' communicative skills, provide the educational goal, teach to work in team, relieve nervous tension, fear and stress.

1.     http//mes- english.com
2.     Fliud L.S.  Active forms of conducting lessons in the senior school and learning Dialogic speech.- English language at school.-№5, February
3.     Bliznyuk E. I., Panov S. L. Using games in foreign language teaching. - Kyiv "Education" 1997.
4.     West M. Language in Education, Express Publishing, 1995
5.     Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Secondary Schools.-K., Linvit,1999
6.     Alueva M. Modern approaches to the foreign language teaching // the Source.-2002.-No. 13-14
7.     Kornienko M. A. Modern pedagogical technologies // English language and literature. – 2008.-No. 28. – S. 9-12
8.     Passov E. S. Communicative method of teaching. – M., Prosveshchenie.- 1991.- p. 222

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